
Education in one of the most important activities. We perform lectures, circles, study circles, workshops, seminars, trainings, camps, …  In education we use methods of Nevrolingvistic program (NLP) and falicitation. Because they have a big opportunities for creating with contents and other forms of sustainable development, revitalisation of countryside, efficient use of energy and renewable energy sources, eko turism, bio farming, computer science, business, international exchanges, …


We perform Study circles since 1996 when we started cooperation with Slovenian Adult Centre (ACS), which cower professional work. Study circles are co-financed by Ministry for school, science and sport . That kind of activity is very popular as a exceptional adaptable form of education, because it connect some of the best positive elements of self-depended and formal educating.  It connect spontaneity, imagination “learning with happiness” and also with planning , systematic lead to end goal.  .


Connecting between education and action goals make all participants lot create work. The group define their own dimension, details and intensity of chosen themes. Work in circle based on democratic base of all members. Motley structure members of each circle (age, experiences, knowing the themes, …) make that is very active and interesting in each circle. More than formal education is important inquisitiveness, wish for education, life experience, … in short to wish and to want. Study circle connect 8 to 12 members, which have common the themes and goals and they make agreement for duration of meetings.