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CAMPS are one of the VITRA's continuities since 1995 intended for the volunteers from all over the world and for the residents of the indicative villages where we each year organise 3 two weeks work camps. Together with the residents, volunteers we perform beforehand set out tasks, as the locals are indispensable regarding the work performance. This way the uneasiness regarding the foreigners dismisses, they make international contacts and the volunteers find out in detail and mainly in a different way about Slovenia.
LECTURES, ROUND TABLES, WORKSHOPS, SEMINARS are different forms for direct transfer of information and knowledge to target groups. We organise them where the current revitalisation problems are, as a preface to every project, for public confronting, discuss about problems with directly involved people and with local prominent. The contents are tied up with problems of sustainable development, countryside revitalisation, efficient use of energy, eco - tourism, bio farming, …
STUDY CIRCLES are one of most democratic and interested form of unformal education for adult.
DEBATE bases on confronting the arguments and support of two different opinions. We organise the Karl Popper Debate Programme in the Primary and Secondary Schools, Debate Club VITRA for youth of the age from 15 to 20 years and debate for the adults.
COUNSELLING for different target groups and programs includes discussion, informing, suggestions and concrete help with realisations and evaluation.
MENTORING for pupils, students, apprentices, unemployed and adults from Slovenia and abroad we perform by direct involvement to different projects.
FALICITATION is new approach in Slovenia that allows all participants to be actively included in solving the problems. Co-operations of public is basic point of democracy and therefore development of countryside.
ACTIVITIES IN PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS serve as supplement to the regular educational programme in schools. They consists of: tourism, EUE and RES, debate, study circles, environmental education and enterprise circles. EXHIBITIONS are efficient tools for presentation of the results of our work.
PUBLISHING AND DESIGNING OF PUBLICATIONS · VITRinA (A4, 16 pages, 3000 copies) is our gazette. Since 1996 we inform about all our aspiration for sustainable development of countryside and stimulate different forms of education. · FOLDING LISTS, who have the basic role short and successful information. · HANDBOOKS, which are as a writing material for participants of different education activities.
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